Wednesday 10 April 2013

Assessment 07-01-2013

This what university thinks of what I have been up to, ooow so close to a first, drat. I was disappointed when I saw I had a 69 while wanting 70 +, but reflecting on it, I thought about how anxious I was at the beginning of the project, if asked then what I my expectations were, I would have been happy with a pass, (40). So I am happy but would like to improve for the next one.

We have now been given 6 briefs with a deadline of June the third, and to help with developing practice, we will have 9 ITAP lectures. We will be asked 6 questions from each lecture, which I will post on this blog. These questions will then form the core of presentation to be made during April.

The projects are exciting and will take me into many new areas of practice. All are to have intellectual narrative and show clear path of influences and observation. I am brimming with ideas but am needing to temper my enthusiasm and start at the beginning with the research which then has to formulate my outcomes.

For me, the hardest part of the project will be scheduling my out put, which i find difficult in a creative environment, and further still ,with new areas of practice. This is something I need to get to grips with or else the quality of my work will suffer, so the first thing to do is work on an outline schedule.

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